Surat is India’s ninth and Gujarat’s second most populous city with a population of 3 million (2001). It is the fastest growing city in India with a decadal growth rate of 85% from 1991- 2001. Surat has made an important position in the world and national economy. The economy is based on the diamond trade, zari and textiles (power looms).
Athwa Gate Junction in Surat City is a very busy Junction where traffic from five different directions, viz. from Sardar Bridge, Nanpura, Timaliyawad, Railway Station and Dumas side, mingles to create acute traffic problems. In order to ease out the problem to a certain extent, the traffic coming from Sardar Bridge, i.e. Adajan side, and going directly to the Railway Station is segregated by constructing a Fly Over. The Fly Over Bridge which starts from the abutment of River Bridge across Tapi, i.e. Sardar Bridge, in fact consists of two separate single lane Bridges on either side of the River Bridge approach spans. While the River Bridge approach eases down and meets the road junction, the side Fly Overs continue to run at a higher level and slope down only after they cross the traffic junction and run as a two lane carriageway after merging.
The construction of the Flyover at Athwa has eased the traffic problems along the most important link on the ring road linking the Eastern and Western Areas of the city divided by Tapi River. The award was adjudged 3rd prize for Innovative Design by the American Concrete Institute (India Chapter)
Mr Nayan R Parikh – Team Leader
Mr R M Desai – Senior Bridge Engineer
Mr Vishal Patel – Bridge Engineer
Mr Kalpesh Koshti – Bridge Engineer