Ahmedabad is the 7th largest city in India with a present population of 5.5 Million and likely to be 11Million by the year 2021. The city is located at Latitude 23d3m N and Longitude 72d40m E. The city experiences tropical extreme weather and south west monsoon from June 15th till end of September. Onan average Ahmedabad has about 40 rainy days in the entire year and an average annual rainfall of 700mm. The city is divided into two parts by the Sabarmati River and general slope of the city is from North to South and from West to East on the Western Side and East to West on the Eastern Side towards the Sabarmati River. The natural drainage of the area is towards the Sabarmati River. The city has a well planned road network. The existing system of storm water disposal was grossly inadequate hardly covering 25% of City area. There were 1205 Kms of sewer pipes and roads of 1239 Km; whereas storm water drains were only 280 Km. It was decided by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to cover the entire old city (190.84 sq km) with a Storm water drainage network. An exercise was carried out in which problematic areas for water logging were identified with a view that special measures should be considered in the design of the system in those areas. A design exercise for the entire city was carried out and a Detailed Project Report was prepared .


The project was implemented under JnNURM scheme by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and the project has been successfully commissioned.


Mr Nayan Parikh – Team Leader
Mrs Amita Mehta – Hydraulic Engineer
Mr Apurva Parikh – Structural Engineer
Mr Roshan Shah – Sr Elec/Mech/Inst Engineer
Mr A J Shah – Senior Environmental Engineer
Mr Diplesh Patel – Sr Cadd Specialist
Mrs Viraj Bhatt – Senior Hydraulic Engineer
Mr Girish Patel – Survey Engineer

Client Name


Estimated Cost

Rs. 40 Million