On January 26, 2001 a devastating earthquake struck the state of Gujarat measuring M7.9 on the Richter scale with the epicentre at Lodai in Kutch District about 400 km North west of Ahmedabad. The Earthquake resulted in death of more than 19000 people and wide spread damage across the state. Ahmedabad, the largest city of Gujarat with a population of more than 5 Million saw widespread damage with collapse of more than 90 buildings and death of more than 1000 persons. Immediately after the earthquake people were wary of staying high rise ( > 5 storey) buildings which saw the most damage in the city. The city authorities decided immediately to develop new areas on the western part of the city by providing the necessary infrastructure such as Roads ,Drainage, Street Lights Water Supply and Sewerage. Providing this infrastructure would trigger development in the area and facilitate smooth relocation of people living in high rise buildings to a low density
, safer area with better amenities and quick evacuation routes in case on natural calamities. MMCPL was responsible for preparation of the Detailed Project for the entire project, getting sanction from Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) and the nodal office of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).MMCPL was also responsible for Detailed Design and Project Management for the Roads and Water Supply Component.
The five urban agglomeration of Sola,Thaltej,Bodakdev,Jodhpur and Ambli are today the fastest developing areas of the city with large scale housing development for all the Upper, Middle and Low Income Classes. They are considered the best areas in the newly developing Ahmedabad for relocation from the Old Denser areas of the City
Mr Nayan Parikh – Team Leader
Mrs Rekha Shah – Senior Public Health Engineer
Mr Apurva Parikh – Structural Engineer
Mr Diplesh Patel – Sr Cadd Specialist
Mr Pradip S Shah – Senior Highway Engineer
Mr Girish Patel – Survey Engineer
Mr A J Shah – Senior Environmental Engineer