The state of Gujarat in India has one of best and most developed road networks in India. The Total length of State Highways is 45000 km. The Southwest Monsoon which lasts from June to September every year brings heavy rainfall and floods to the otherwise semi arid areas of the state. The department of highways (R&B) had over the years identified approximately 900 sections aggregating to about 450 km length of highway which gets submerged for varying periods causing disruption to traffic and economic loss to the region. The main reasons for submergence range from inadequate drainage in the area , obstruction in the natural drainage of the area created by new developments. MMCPL was assigned the task of preparing a feasibility report which included a Hydraulic, Topographic and Traffic study of each section to assess the reasons for submergence, give a solution and remedy and assist the govt in prioritizing the investment based on various parameters such as duration of submergence, economic importance, availability of alternate all weather routes etc. MMCPL was also involved in preparing the detailed designs for the first tranche of projects to be taken up by the Government.


As a result of the work done by MMCPL, the Govt of Gujarat has prioritized the implementation of remedial measures to convert the submerged roads into all weather roads is the implementation and had been completed 2010.


Mr. Apurva Parikh – Team Leader
Mr. Amit Patel – Highway Engineer
Mr. Pradip S Shah – Senior Highway Engineer
Mr D M Hirpara – Sr Highway Engineer
Mr. R H Sheth – Senior Hydraulic Engineer
Mr N B Shah – Sr Highway Engineer
Mr. B N Suthar – Senior Bridge / Structures Engineer

Client Name


Estimated Cost

Rs. 24 Million